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The spiritual life is all about going deeper. But how to begin? As we develop Pace, courses, resources, events and other materials will be published right here! In the meantime, check out our Going Deeper downloads… at home, at work, on the train… in iso!


Keen to learn more about Pace and the contemplative life but not sure where to start? Check out this fascinating interview with Pace Companion, Marie Thompson. Marie has decades of experience as a contemplative, spiritual director, counsellor, theologian and Past President of the Australian Ecumenical Council for Spiritual Direction. Daniel and Marie discuss four key questions they encounter regularly in their work with those on the spiritual journey:

  • What is a contemplative presence?
  • Why live a contemplative presence?
  • How do you nourish a contemplative presence in daily life?
  • What do you see as the relationship between spirituality and peace?


  • What keeps you from lingering with your experience?
  • If you lived a more contemplative presence in your life what would be different?
  • How would you be different?
  • When are you most authentic?
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