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Spirituality is an ancient practice approached from many perspectives. Common to all is the inner experience of a field of universal awareness beyond the material world. Spirituality enables a sense of connection and oneness with the creative and life-sustaining power of the universe, the mystery some call God. This connection creates a sense of identity, relationship, meaning and purpose. It brings peace through the awareness that all is one and one is all. Everything belongs.

Spirituality is experiential; it’s something we experience in practice. Spirituality moves beyond belief in specific religious doctrine, inviting the seeker to experience the reconciled nature of all creation and one’s place within it. It’s through this understanding one might identify with the phrase ‘spiritual but not religious’.

The depth of authentic spirituality requires a shift in consciousness – a shift from the dualistic mind to the contemplative heart. The human brain is hard-wired to perceive the world dualistically – that is, in competing, often conflictual, us verse them tones. In contrast, the contemplative heart, having experienced universal awareness, seeks to emulate the reconciled oneness of the universe – healing, uniting, holding as one all that is seen and unseen. This is a lifelong journey of encounter and practice.

Rhythm of Life

Living an authentic spiritual life requires practice and focus. From ancient times, the spiritual life has been fashioned by a Rule or Rhythm of Life.

Writing a personalised Rhythm of Life is a proactive decision to live intentionally, to develop healthy spiritual habits that sustain and nourish you. A rhythm is about habits not goals. Adopting a rhythm to your daily life is a purposeful way of living, privately and in community, focused on your spiritual priorities and practices.

By adopting a spiritual posture of presence and awareness nurtured by spiritual practices of contemplation and action, members of the Pace Community seek to live lives of peace and prayer. We actively seek peace within so we might embody peace without; a peaceful heart ushers in a peaceful world.

Each member of Pace commits to a personal Rhythm of Life they have created. Inspired by our spiritual posture and practices, each person’s Rhythm of Life is their own expression of Pace’s Virtues, Values and Vision. One’s Rhythm is developed over time, in consultation with a spiritual director and Pace mentors.

The elements of our Pace Rhythm of Life can be found here.

If you’d like to know more, contact us today.

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