Spiritual Formation is a path to peace, within and without. With eyes to see all life as spiritual embodiment, formation encourages a lifelong journey inward. Along this intentional, guided path, a seeker matures and develops an active interior life, nourished by experience, guided by rhythm, formed by spiritual posture and practice.
Spiritual Formation is experiential; by experiencing life through all the senses of the body, our spirits are open to the oneness of all living things and to the wholeness at the heart of creation.
For thousands of years, across cultures, creeds and countries, the spiritual life has been explored and expressed through various traditions. We encourage you to explore them widely.
Here at Pace, we embrace a number of spiritual practices with a Christian focus. Pace draws in particular from the centuries old thought and practices of Saint Francis of Assisi. Check out our Virtues, Values and Vision for how we seek to live this in practice.
The elements of our Pace Rhythm of Life can be found here.
Spiritual Formation has for centuries followed a three part process. This approach provides space for a seeker to enquire and explore without pressure or expectation, to have the time to find one’s own spiritual voice. Becoming a Pace Companion is to take up your place in a millennia old tradition of spiritual seekers alongside loving, likeminded friends in a community of peace and prayer.
Here at Pace, Spiritual Formation mirrors this well worn path:

You: You’re a seeker. You’re spiritually curious. Something is missing from your life, but you don’t know what. At this point, you don’t want to commit to anything. You just want to explore your options. You’re not sure if spirituality is your ‘thing’, but you’re interested to know more.
Pace: Pace was established for people just like you. We don’t have all the answers, but we are a caring community of seekers –searching and growing together in the spiritual life. Through spiritual practices, friendship and participation in the life of Pace, we welcome you onto the spiritual path. You don’t need any prior knowledge. It doesn’t cost anything. All we ask is that you engage with Pace in such a way as to share our kindness and compassion. During this time, you might like to try a pilgrimage, a retreat or share in our regular hospitality. After 6 months, we’ll share a discussion to discern whether you’d like to take the next step as an Explorer and adopt your very own Rhythm of Life.

You: After the initial Enquirer period, you’re interested in going deeper. Members of Pace support you as you prepare your very own Rhythm of Life. Your personal Rhythm is framed by the Virtues, Values and Vision of Pace and expresses your unique approach to the spiritual life.
Pace: Members of the Pace Community are with you all the way, in person and in spirit. Experienced members of Pace journey alongside you as you explore and prepare your Rhythm. The whole Pace Community holds you in prayer throughout this process. Resources are available along with Spiritual Direction throughout your time as an Explorer. An Explorer continues their spiritual journey for 1 year (12 months).

You: Following this time of discernment and contemplation, you feel a sense of calling to a life of peace and prayer. You recognise such a way of life is who you are, not what you do; this is your being, not your doing. Peace and prayer permeate every part of your life, bringing a wholeness and purpose to your daily living. You feel called to make a personal commitment to this path and seek the guidance, support and spiritual nourishment of Pace to sustain you on your journey.
Pace: In discussion with your Spiritual Director and Pace leaders, you affirm as yours the Pace Rhythm of Life, our Virtues, Values and Vision. Accompanied by mentors, we review your Explorer Rhythm of Life and amend if necessary. Committing to a life time of spiritual formation and active involvement in the Pace Community, you are welcomed as a Pace Companion surrounded by friends and family.